Leona Chin Malaysian Professional Motorsports Athlete

Leona Chin Malaysian Professional Motorsports Athlete
Leona Chin Lyweoi (陈莉慧)was born on July 23, 1986 a Malaysian Professional Motorsports Athlete. Leona Chin is a professional Racer Girl.

Leona Chin studied at SRJK (c) Lick Hung for Primary 1 – 6, SMK Katholik for Form 1 – 5 and Taylors College – Pre – U (South Australian Matriculation) and University of Northumbria (UK)with the course of BA (Hons) in Business Management Major in Finance.

Leona Chin Driving Course CERTIFICATIONS (驾驶课程 – 资质证书) are Defensive Driving Course(防卫性驾驶课程), Advanced Driving Course (高级驾驶课程), Precision Driving Course (精密驾驶课程), Race Driving Course (赛驾驶课程) and National Diploma in Advanced Driving Instruction (UK).

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